A few months ago we smyglanserade a popular and useful feature, being able to get a so-called watermark on pdf files. Use the workflow for review/approval so you can put any text as a watermark on your document. This increased transparency reduces the risk to a non-approved document be mistaken as approved.
Documents that have not yet been completed for review can be stamped with the “Preliminary”, “in progress” or similar. When they are sent for review, the text is automatically changed to “Under review”, “Reviewed”, etc., and when the document is approved, it is without the watermark.
Often in workflow broadcast approved document back to the document owner to ritningsstämpeln or equivalent is updated before the document becomes available to the other. This step it feels now safer to skip, the document may already be sent for review to be completed with the status it may after approval. And so, without an intermediary, be available for the project as soon as it is approved.
The watermark is put on pdf files when they are saved to the local environment, will open on the screen, is sent and appears on the document included in a published package and managed outside Apricon project. Do you want to see more how it works and can be a help to you, please contact us!