The document tree in Apricon consists of folders in a tree structure, and is the most widely used tool to find documents and packages. It reminds a lot about the file tree in the Windows, but there are important differences.
In Windows builds up his tree by creating folder by folder and fill them with files. The tree can contain empty folders, and there is no limit to the number of levels or what folders can be named.
In contrast, the tree grows up Apricon as users to save their documents. Folders are not self-contained, but represents only a particular feature of the documents.
The image shows the relationship between a certain document properties and the folder in the tree in which it is found.
To “create” a new folder by saving a document with the correct properties. Hence no empty folders in the tree.
There are several document trees to choose from. They present the documents ‘ properties in different ways. A tree, for example, can view the status of the lowest level, another includes only protocols. Feel free to test the different trees, and choose the one that is best suited to the circumstances.
The tree structures varies from project to project and is determined by the project management.
Clicking the +/-to expand the folder, just like in Windows. Clicking the text or folder to display the contents of the surface to the right. An important difference from Windows is that the contents of a parent folder (1 in the example) contains the total of the child folders. If it is not so many documents does this often faster and provide a better overview.
Frequently asked questions
Why is there no folder for my discipline?
Answer: You and your colleagues have not saved any documents. As soon as you have done it, the folder will show up (after you have compressed and expanded the tree once to retrieve new data from the server).
How do you make a new folder?
Answer: to save a new document using the properties corresponding to the folder. Use the Save – Save documents.
Why do I see not as many folders as project management?
Answer: this is because you do not have permission to view all documents in the project. If the documents in a specific folder is invisible so POPs not folder up in the tree.