Document management, Tips and Advice
If you have many documents to save to Apricon can be time consuming to enter captions and other document properties. Often this information is already in the document contents, ritningshuvuden etc. This feature helps to transfer the information from lists into their...
Document management, Tips and Advice
When a project is completed, there are a few different ways to go; You can keep it online at Apricon in a so-called Warranty phase or Management position, or you can close it for further access. No matter what you choose so wont you sooner or later will have all...
Document management, Tips and Advice
Because we have several strong features for searching documents tend to rarely be a problem finding each other’s files in Apricon. But there may be times when you want to simplify further and in its communications link directly to the documents and packages to...
Document management, Product news, Tips and Advice
A few months ago we smyglanserade a popular and useful feature, being able to get a so-called watermark on pdf files. Use the workflow for review/approval so you can put any text as a watermark on your document. This increased transparency reduces the risk to a...
Document management, Tips and Advice
We have recently introduced a change in terms of the published package that displays the latest version of the document. You can now change the current contents of these packages, which simplifies and streamlines a lot. Packages and publishes a number of documents...