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When it’s time to move up relations documents, you can save a lot of time by taking advantage of the captions that are already on the corresponding construction documents. We call the method dubbelsynkronisering.

Take a document type at a time (for example,. Drawing upon. the following example) and do the following:

    1. Start the function save the document and select the identifying characteristics Construction action stage > X > Drawing.
    2. Drag the files from Windows Explorer and drop in the browser so that they are uploaded. The ‘ sync ‘ files with the server, and since there is already building documents with the same file name, the description and the other properties to be filled in. Note: Do not click Save.
    3. Click on “change the identifying properties” and change to Relational document > X > Drawing. Now synchronize the application files with the server and find that they do not exist in the past. It retains, however, the already completed properties, which it exploits.
    4. Change the properties as needed, e.g. date and status.
    5. Save.